The next Pipelines conference will be in Tampa, Florida, August 9-13, 2025.
UESI MD hosts Workshop on Generational Gaps in the Water Industry
Date: TBD
This discussion aims to address a pressing issue within our water sector, particularly in the public utility space, where a significant wave of retirements has created a gap in knowledge and expertise. Our panel will discuss the reasons behind this shift, the generational differences in the workforce, and how to bridge the divide between seasoned professionals and newer generations entering the field.
Topics of discussion will include:
Understanding the generational distribution within the water industry workforce.
The decline in millennial participation in water utilities.
Strategies to attract and retain younger talent while leveraging the expertise of senior professionals.
We will hear from industry leaders, including utility and private sector experts, as they share their experiences and success stories to address these challenges.
In addition to addressing these workforce trends, we will have a presentation on surveying techniques, comparing traditional methods with modern advancements. This session will highlight how evolving tools and technologies shape the way we approach fieldwork and data collection, bridging the expertise of seasoned professionals with innovative approaches favored by newer generations.
Past Events:
Water Treatment Plant Tour on February 21
Attendees toured the state-of-the-art WSSC Potomac Water Filtration Plant in Montgomery County, Maryland. This facility, which produces 280 MGD, showcases the latest innovations in water treatment technology. The intricacies of the upgraded processes that contribute to remarkable capacity, including cutting-edge filtration techniques and enhanced efficiency measures, and in-depth explanations of the engineering marvels behind each process, from intake to distribution, were presented. In addition to the plant-specific information, the tour covered general aspects of water treatment, addressing key challenges, sustainability practices, and future developments in the field.
Pipeline Workshop on November 9
This half-day pipeline management workshop highlighted case histories on pipeline condition assessment and design-build pipeline rehabilitation as well as a panel discussion with audience participation. Speakers included representatives of Baltimore City DPW, Structural Technologies, and HDR.
Maryland Pipeline and SUE Workshop on March 30
The free, half-day workshop highlighted an interesting look at the history of PCCP, an interactive panel comprising Brian Ball, P.E., Chief of the Office of Asset Management for City of Baltimore, Daniel Davis, Chief of Howard County DPW's Utility Design Division, Mike Mazurek, former Chief of Water Design for Baltimore County DPW's Bureau of Engineering and Construction, and Chris Phipps, P.E., former Director of Anne Arundel County DPW who discussed pipeline break management, and a presentation of the new ASCE SUE standard 38-22.
Covid-19 Financial Impact on Utilities
Webinar on January 26
Patti Colihan, Chief Financial Officer of WSSC Water, addressed the pre-pandemic fiscal challenges, the additional challenges caused by the pandemic and the financial plan that was executed to maintain solid financial position in the face of declining revenues and growing past due customer accounts at WSSC. Patti also shared about a number of innovative projects.
Recognizing that COVID impacted DC Water in many ways, Matthew Brown, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Finance and Procurement for DC Water, talked about steps taken to protect employees and how customers were prioritized. Even though DC Water experienced a decline in revenue from reduced consumption and increased customer delinquencies, DC Water is advancing initiatives to improve equity by expanding customer service and ridding the District of lead service lines.
A recording of the presentation is available. Use password 4KpMd8s*
Aerial Sewer Crossing Workshop on November 17
An aerial sewer crossing Hickey Run in the National Arboretum, is one of many that DC Water owns and operates in Washington, DC. Inspections revealed not only spalled concrete, but also a compromised foundation at the upstream abutment; crews discovered an eroded void beneath the footer and the exposed backside where it is subject to surge flow of the creek along the eroded embankment.
DC Water recommended an emergency repair in lieu of planned CIP, with the blessing of the Department of Energy and Environment of DC for a “permitting later and urgent repair first” special green light.
DC Water representatives and Structural Technologies experts detailed the components of the emergency design-build repair and how DC Water implemented a comprehensive asset management approach to extend the life of this critical asset.
WSSC's Water Pipe Forensics Program webinar on July 22
This event was a joint effort with the ASCE MD Geo-Institute.
WSSC Water has initiated a forensics program to collect, evaluate, and analyze pipe failure data. Data are used to establish correlations and identify trends to minimize future failures through improved design standards, construction practices, and replacement and rehabilitation planning. The program focuses on cast and ductile iron pipes which make up 85% of the WSSC water distribution system. Key components of the program include laboratory and field testing of samples, development of GIS database, failure analysis, and evaluation to support condition assessment efforts and asset management initiatives as part of the WSSC Asset Management Program and water main replacement and rehabilitation planning. Some parameters considered in the evaluation include soil conditions, groundwater table, and material composition and age of pipe. This presentation shared the process used for evaluation and walked though some of the preliminary results.
Presenter Haile Yerdaw, P.E., PMP, is the Civil Engineering Section manager under the Engineering and Construction Department in WSSC. Haile has 18 years of experience in civil engineering design, construction and project management. In his capacity as a section manager, he oversees several programs including pipe forensics, corrosion management, dam inspection, Fiber Reinforced polymer rehabs for large diameter pipes, and in-house design review of civil engineering projects.
Presenter Rosanna La Plante, PE, is a Division Manager for WSSC. Rosanna leads the Engineering and Environmental Services Division, overseeing land services, civil engineering support, contract services, GIS and engineering records, mechanical and electrical engineering support, environmental programs, and environmental services.
UESI MD Chapter Water Distribution Workshop on December 12
UESI’s Water Distribution Workshop featured an afternoon of local speakers sharing relevant information on unique projects, asset management, control valves, and cathodic protection.
Thank you to our Sponsor, Engineering Design Technologies, Inc. and Howard County DPW for Hosting the event.
Featured Project Case Study:
Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant - 2018/2019 Outfall Pipe Stabilization Project
Zack Knight, PE - Howard County DPW
Water Distribution:
Development of a Condition Assessment Program for a Water Distribution System
Susan Donnally, PE - HDR
Using Automatic Control Valves in a Distribution System
Dan Esser – Cla-Val Co
Implementing a Hot-Spot Anode Retrofit Program to Extend the Remaining Useful Life of Distribution Piping
John O. Smith, PE, BCEE – Engineering Design Technologies, Inc.
View & Download Presentations from the December 12th Workshop

Speaker: Susan Donnally
Developing a Distribution System Condition Assessment Approach

Speaker: Dan Esser
Automatic Control Valves
UESI MD Chapter New Technology and Innovation Workshop on September 12
The Maryland Chapter of UESI is proud of its mission of promoting excellence in engineering, planning, design, construction, operations, and asset management, for utility infrastructure and engineering surveying. UESI’s Technology & Innovation Workshop featured a morning of local speakers sharing relevant information on unique projects, engineering innovation and asset management technologies and an afternoon of live demonstrations.
Thank you to Structural Technologies for hosting and sponsoring the event.
Pure’s Soundprint technology is an industry-leading Acoustic Fiber Optic (AFO) monitoring system that tracks and records pipeline deterioration on PCCP water and wastewater pipelines.
AM Gradiometer (AMG) is a non-destructive geophysical technique for underground utility and substructure detection of moderately low to high electrical conductivity.
AeroLabs technology addresses the industry’s most complex inspection needs through the use of tailored inspection processes and drones and robotics.
StrongPIPE MICP is a patented, polyurethane and carbon composite system with trenchless, robotic installation.
View & Download Presentations from the September 12th Workshop

KCI Technologies
Speaker: Charbel Khoury
AM Gradiometer (AMG) Technology
Underground Utility/Substructure Detection

Speaker: Morgan Trendler
Utilizing Drones to Improve Reliability, Safety & Efficiency

Structural Technologies
Speaker: Graham Bell
StrongPIPE MICP Pipeline Renewal System
UESI MD Chapter Kick-off Event on March 8, 2018
Thank you to Structural Technologies for hosting and sponsoring the event.
The Maryland Chapter of UESI is proud to announce its formation and mission of promoting excellence in the engineering, planning, design, construction, operations, and asset management for utility infrastructure and engineering surveying. The UESI Chapter is going to thrive with active participation from local agencies, consultants, and industry partners. The kick-off event features a full day of local speakers sharing relevant information on priority projects, engineering best practices, and asset management strategies.
View & Download Presentations from the March 8th Kick-off Event

Baltimore County DPW
Speaker: Patrick Simon, P.L.S.
GIS Boundaries vs. Survey Boundaries plus Vertical Data and How to use it

J.D. Rellek Co., Inc.
Speaker: Jeff Noseworthy
Understanding Cathodic Protection and its Applications
Important Notes
If you have any questions or wish to cancel your reservation, please email and we will respond as soon as possible.
2. If you need to register multiple attendees, then please fill out one registration form for each attendee.